With Every Step

The tracks are here, twice the size, twice as wide.
It takes a tremendous leap to bridge the gap.
Sometimes the train can be right on top of you before you
hear it,
but not me!
I live in that moment....
here, on this bridge that spans an ocean,
than encircles the world without stop
or station,
Here on this train where you either live and die
on it,
live and die in a compartment of a train built to large,
built for other sized people,
built for split minds.
Live and die with a horizon
that never moves,
and a motion sickness you can not explain
in the still captivity of an empty train.
The wheels pound constantly
and silence is the unending shrill whistle
of steam through a steel pipe.
Even the one upon the tracks,
running before the iron horse,
was born to captivity,
is trapped to her effort of escape,
has nothing but the pounding of her heart,
the spring of the boards,
the salt of the sea and the howling
of his pursuing fate.
Like me, she lives
that moment
when life's hot breath becomes fire,
when experience becomes death, but,
unlike me,
he won't cross over,
he won't change,
.... he runs from his fate.

- - -

and the one inside is
not like me
for he rides his fate as if helpless,
as if trapped,
as if the howling whistle - is silence,
is truth,
is inescapable.
I cross, and have crossed many times.
Death to me is less effort
than the next leap across the boards,
the effort to escape
I stop. . . .
and the dark metal catches me and crumples me,
smearing my body across the tracks,
spraying my blood
up onto the windows
to mingle with the blood of my previous deaths.
..... then is see it!
The fog out across the ocean.
I threw myself out after it,
trying to catch it in my hand,
trying to find insanity.
Plunging into the ocean
where the salt burned my skin,
I swam until (i) drowned
with each stroke
reaching out for what I could not grasp......

Damon Wyle

©All text is copyrighted and may be reproduced only with the express permission of the author. All profits from reprint, transmission, etc., are properties of the author. Thank you.